Lost in Solway

Lost in Solway

Book #1 from the series: Lost in Solway

Solway is a tough industrial city somewhere on England’s North Sea coast. The Great Depression laid waste to its proud engineering and shipbuilding heritage, creating poverty on a Dickensian scale, but the onset of World War Two offered the dying city a lifeline; moribund industry was resurrected for the war effort and thousands went back to...

Future Together: A Sequel to Lost in Solway

Book #2 from the series: Lost in Solway

The war is over for Solway’s exhausted, grief-stricken home front heroes and villains. Many, including revered union leader, Sam Bullock, have enthusiastically welcomed the Labour landslide and a new generation of MPs driving the government’s ambitious manifesto, promising cradle-to-grave care, full employment and housing renewal.

As the white...