Books by George Fairbrother
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George Fairbrother
George Fairbrother

George Fairbrother is the author of the Armstrong and Burton novels, and Lost in Solway, and is producer and host of the DEC4 Podcast. He is also an executive producer of The Bill Podcast, and the scripted audio series, Letter from Helvetica. His interests include cultural and working-class history, post-war British cinema, as well as classic rock and roll and early Hollywood. 


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Future Together: A Sequel to Lost in Solway

Book #2 from the series: Lost in Solway

The war is over for Solway’s exhausted, grief-stricken home front heroes and villains. Many, including revered union leader, Sam Bullock, have enthusiastically welcomed the Labour landslide and a new generation of MPs driving the government’s ambitious manifesto, promising cradle-to-grave care, full employment and housing renewal.

As the white...

The Old Firm: An Armstrong and Burton Political Adventure (The Armstrong and Burton Series)

Book #4 from the series: Armstrong and Burton

In 1963, popular, widely respected Tory MP Norman Armstrong is a young Home Secretary in the new Douglas-Home administration. His unlikely friend, left-wing freelance lobby correspondent, Alf Burton, is right behind the new Home Secretary’s crusade against police corruption and organised crime in London’s West End, and to bring all of the Euston...

The Enemy Within: An Armstrong and Burton Political Adventure (The Armstrong and Burton Series)

Book #2 from the series: Armstrong and Burton

It is 1985. Months after the Brighton bombing, grief-stricken Home Secretary, Sir Norman Armstrong, has all but disappeared from public view, although he remains very much in control of his powerful government department.

Sir Norman finds himself once again at odds with his unlikely friend, influential left-wing political commentator, Alf Burton,...

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The Old Firm Some kind words about the latest Armstrong and Burton, The Old

Some kind words about the latest Armstrong and Burton, The Old Firm, on Goodreads;

"...Very enjoyable read and a satisfying conclusion to the series with the many threads...

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Website updates Hello, and a very warm welcome to our new website,

Hello, and a very warm welcome to our new website, constructed with the help of BookBub.

Our original website,, has been updated with expanded access to...

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